Tickets raised on the REPL support portal can be assigned 1 of 4 priorities, we determine each of the priorities based on the following definition :
- Critical Case – Severity 1 - Business wide standstill that causes a failure in a mission-critical process required for daily business operations, with no viable workaround.
- High Priority Case – Severity 2 - High-impact issue which causes a serious disruption, key business functions cannot be performed or are seriously degraded, renders major functions unusable; no viable workaround or workaround is complex or time consuming.
- Medium Priority Case – Severity 3 - Non-business critical issue with possible limitation to functionality or usefulness of the application; individual system functionality unusable or renders minor system functions inoperative; workaround may be complex or time consuming.
- Low Priority Case – Severity 4 - Non-business critical issue with minimal impact where a simple workaround or fix exists or for a functional question or documentation request.
Please take this into account when prioritizing your ticket, the support team may on occasion change the priority based on these definitions.
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